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Alien 3 Cut Scenes

Alien 3 has well over 20 minutes of cut-scenes. Many of these scenes added significant sub-plots and were edited out before the theatrical release. Furthurmore, elements of the story were changed after some of the scenes had been filmed. Overall, the majority of the scenes that were cut add a significant amount of character development and plausibility. There are three different versions of Alien 3:

1. Pre-release version. (Assembly Cut) - This version was compiled before the theatrical release and the addition of music. This version was likely assembled prior to 1992. It is only available on VHS tape, with poor quality picture and audio.
2. Theatrical version. - Released in May 1992, and is widley available.
3. Special Edition. - This version uses scenes and subplots that were excised before the assembly of the pre-release version. This is the most complete version of the film.

The data below can be from a variety of sources. If a scene or dialogue was unique to the special edition or pre-release, it will be clearly marked. To read an excellent summary of the theatrical version versus the pre-release, please read JR's Pre-release Summary. [Thanks go out to JR for all his assistance!] Please let me know if any corrections are required by sending me an email.


The following is a list/transcript of the scenes, in order as they would have appeared in the film. Please note that in the pre-release version it was very difficult to understand some of the dialogue. I have refered to the script when applicable.

[From the Pre-Release only]:
* Instead of "A Brandywine Production" it is "A Phoenix Company / Gordon Carol Production" "The Phoenix Company" is a the name of Walter Hill and David Giler's company, Gordon Carroll is not part of it, hence the "/ Gordon" bit. All these three together compromise the Brandywine Production moniker.

* There is no "eggs on the Sulaco" edit.

* There is no "facehugger on Newt" X-ray edit.

* A clear (different voiceover?) dub for "Sulaco's Voice." It says:
Stasis interrupted, fire in cryogenic compartment, repeat, fire in cyrogenic compartment, all personel report to emergency escape vehicle launch of deep space lifeboat will commence in t minus 20 seconds.

* The edit of the "exploding bolt" is combined with the "fire" shot. There appears to be an additional shot of Ripley in the Cryotube.

* The pre-release had no EEV crash landing on FURY 161.

[From Alien 3 Trading Card #1]:
* On this card there is a shot of Ripley in her broken Cryotube that was not in the final film, however was in several promotional pictures.

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Ripley is carried into the prison complex by Clemens. This shot was also included in several Alien 3 movie trailers, inluding one trailer that had displayed about 20 seconds of Clemens walking out of the complex, and carrying Ripley into it.
(About 1 minute, 38 seconds)

[From Alien 3 Trading Card #4]:
* Ripley being carried into the prison complex.

[From the Alien 3 Audio Book]:
* Description of Ripley being carried into the prison complex.
    The man walking along the beach was thoughtful, and in no particular hurry. His intelligent face was preoccupied, his expression non-commital. Occasionaly he kicked in irritation at the alien insects which swarmed around his feet seeking a way past the slick treated plastic.

    A sound caused him to look up. He blinked, wiping cold drizzel from his face- mask. The distant roar drew his gaze to a point in the sky. Without warning a low cloud gave violent birth to a sliver of descending metal. It glowed softely, and the air around it screamed as it fell. He gazed at the place where it had struck the ocean pausing before resuming his walk. Halfway up the beach he checked his chronometer then turned to retrace his steps. Occasionaly he glanced out to sea, seeing nothing; he expected to find nothing. So the limp form which appeared on the sand ahead of him was a surprise. For the first time his blood began to race slightly. The body was that of a woman, and she was still alive. He rolled her over on her back and stared down into Ripley's unconscience oil-streaked face. He looked up but the beach still belonged to him alone. Him, and the utterly unexpected new arrival. Leaving her to go for help would mean delaying treatment which might save her life, exposing her to the small but still enthusiastic predators which inhabited Fiorina. Lifting her beneath her arms he heaved once and managed to get her torso around his shoulders. With the woman on his shoulders and back, he headed slowly toward the weatherlock which he had emerged earlier.

* In the Alien 3 trading cards, this is the picture of Ripley, as described in the ALIEN 3 audio clip (above.) She is lying on the shore outside the Prison Facility. She is covered with Dirt (Alien 3 card # 3). The next picture is presumably from the same scene.


* There was a shot of Ripley's head, and it is full of lice.
As Kevin reports:
    It was on a morning talk show, either the Today show or Good Morning America. I believe the interview was conducted by a woman. without being certain, I'd say it was most likely Katie Couric on the Today show. I think the interview took place the week before the United States theatrical release. Sigourney said that the new film took place on a prison planet and that it was more like the first film (as opposed to 'Aliens'). She said she had a shaved head because of lice on the planet and went off about how she had to endure take after take of this one scene with bugs crawling all over her, only to have the scene edited from the movie. Weaver was involved in a scene where hundreds of bugs were pouredon her. She said they filmed many takes of the scene and was quite annoyed that for all her trouble the scene didn't make the film.
[From the Pre-release]:
* There is the shot of the Dog barking at the Facehugger, but unlike the theatrical version, there is no shot of the facehugger. Instead, it shows a 'cross' shape in the junk metal on Fiorina's landscape. This cross was also pictured in one of the Alien 3 cards.

[From the Special Edition]:
* There is no shot of the Dog barking at the Facehugger, and there is no computer graphics overlay when Supt. Andrews is typing in the results of the EEV crash (i.e. Unidentified female...). After these sequence the next shot is of an overhead view of the oxen lashed to the EEV on the beach, and the prisoners taking out the bodies. Then, a cross shape in the junk metal on Fiorina's landscape is shown. This cross was also pictured in one of the Alien 3 cards.

[From the Special Edition]:
* The EEV is originally carried by an Oxen up to the Prison facility. Later on, one of the Oxen collapses, which the Prisoners later move to the Abattior. (Alien 3 card #39).

[From the Special Edition]:
* 85: Alight, alight, let's get it going, keep it together, come on, right? Right. Here we go Mr. Dillon.
Dillon: Give us strength 'o lord to endure. We recognize that we are poor sinners in the hand of any angry god. Let the circle be unbroken, until the day. Amen!
All: Amen.
Andrews: Thank you gentlemen.
The Special Edition then cuts to "This is rumour control, here are facts..."
(50 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* Murphy's voiceover of "what kind of animal would do this to a dog" is noticably different.

[From the Pre-release]:
* Clemens says Fury 161 was a 1000 convict facility, rather than a 5000 convict facility.

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* There is a small edit when Clemens and Ripley enter the mourgue;
Clemens : Is there any particular reason why your so insistent?
Ripley : Yes, I have to be sure how she died.
Clemens : Look, I hate to be repititious about such a sensitive subject, but it is perfectly clear that she drowned.
Clemens : Was she your daughter?
Ripley (calmly) : No she wasn't.
(28 seconds, Special Edition is 45 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* Andrews does not mention that "They may use the furnace but I want everyone back in lock-up at 22:00 hours..." as he and 85 make their way out of the mourge.

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Odd sound in the background]
Frank: Ahh, Christmas has come early Murph!
Murphy:What do you mean?
Frank:Any dead ox is a good ox.
Murphy:Bloody right! Smelly bastard's all covered in lice.
Frank:Well there's only 7 of the friggin' things left and they we're done with them. God...[?]...all these bastards down. Always get shite all over my boots.
Murphy: ...[?]...hosing things down, Frank.
Murphy: If you got a chance, what would you say to her?
Frank: What do you mean if I've got the chance?
Murphy: You know, If you got a chance.
Frank: You mean with Lt. Ripley?[?]
Murphy: Yah, I mean how would you put it to her if I'm entering the mess hall or somewhere?
Frank: No problem. Never had any problem with the ladies. I'd say good day my dear, how's it going? Anything I can do to be of service? Then I'd give her the look, you know up and down. And I've give her a wink, a dirty smile, she'd soon get the picture.
Murphy: Yah right said Murphy sarcasticly.
And then she'd say kiss my ass you horney old fucker.
Frank: And I'd be happy to kiss her ass. I'd be happy to kiss her anywhere she wants.
Murphy: Yah but treat her mean, keep'em keen. Right Frank?
Frank: I told you before man...you treat a queen like a whore, and a whore like a queen. You can't go wrong.

Murphy: What do you think killed Babe?
Frank: Beats me, She just keeled over.
Murphy: How old was she?
Frank: Charts say 11, in her prime. Nevermind. Let's chop her up later, and throw her in the stew.
Murphy: Hey Frank...what's this?
[Murphy holds up the superfacehugger]
(2 minutes, 3 seconds)

* This facehugger is extremely large, and can supposedly lay 2 eggs. Murphy holds it up by the tail. (Alien 3 cards # 40 & 41).

[From the Alien 3 Audio book]:
* Most of the abbatior was empty. It had been built to handle the daily needs of hundreds of techinitions, miners, and refining personal. Two men wreslted the cart between them was on which rested the unwielly? carcass of a dead ox. Frank wore the look of the permantly doomed. His much younger companion was not nearly so devasted of aspect. Murphy touched a switch and the cart dumped the clumsy bulk on the deeply stained floor. Frank was ready with the chains. together they fastened them around the dead animals hind legs and began to winch them off the tiles. Murphy was sucking on his lower lip, his thoughts elsewhere.
Murphy: Frank?
Frank: Yeah?
Murphy: If you got a chance, just supposing, what would you say to her? If she came along by herself like, without Andrew or Clemons hanging with her.
The other mans' eyes glittered.
Frank: No problem. Never had any problem with the ladies. I'd say good day my dear, hows it going? Anything I can do to be of service? Then I'd give her the look, you know up and down. Give you a wink, nicely smile, she'd get the picture.
Murphy: Right said Murphy sarcasticly.
Murphy: And she'd smile back and say kiss my ass you horney old fucker.
Frank: And I'd be happy to kiss her ass. I'd be happy to kiss her anywhere she wants!
Special Edition only:
Frank: I told you before man...you treat a queen like a whore, and a whore like a queen. You can't go wrong.

Together they heaved the chains until the carcass was properly postioned. Frank locked the hoist and they stepped back, letting the Dead animal swing in its harness.
Murphy: What do you think killed babe?
He nodded at the carcass.
Frank shrugged.
Frank: Beats me, just keeled over. A heart attack maybe.
Murhphy spoke from the other side.
Murphy: How could it have been a heart attack? How old was she?
Audio Book version:
Frank: Charts say 11, in the prime. Tough luck for her, good luck for us. I know the super won't let us kill the any of animals for meat expect on special occaisions, so me, I look on this for a bonus of work well done. Chop her up, throw her in the stew. Animinal this size will last for a while. Make the dehydes taste like real food.

[From the Pre-release]:
* Superintendent Andrews Eulogy is one continuous shot, and is much clearer It also starts immediatly, overlaping the establishing shots of the furnace area.

[From the Pre-release]:
* Dillon's Eulogy has no collage of characters, and there are no edits of the chestburster bursting from the dog.

[From the Special Edition]:
* There are a total of 12 edits of the Oxen-burster, integrated into the film much like the dog-burster was edited into the final release. The total time of these edits comes in at about 42 seconds. Some of these edits are used with existing theatrical shots as well.

* Read an excerpt from the script (ALIEN 3 card # 8).

* The Ox releated scenes are actually described by Martin Asbury, who storyboarded the action for Alien 3. Here is what he has to say (Starlog #179): (Remember, this is from the "camera's" Point of view)
    "We cut back to one of the oxen and see it go down. You don't see what strikes it, but it's the Alien of course, which enters the animal's body. While a corpse is being fed into a furnace inside a vast foundry the prisoners work in, you crosscut with the abattoir, where the dead ox suddenly jerks open, and this foul thing falls out of it. We're up and running then, with the ALIEN the size of a cow. It has four legs, can run at 40 miles an hour, and is capable of walking across ceilings."

Also, Nick & Kevin spoke with Martin Astles, who was a special make-up effects artist on ALIEN 3.

    " He explained that they made the stupid mistake of designing the scenes, constructing the slaughterhouse set, sculpting, the animatronic ox, building the chestburster before and filming all of the scenes before they filmed any of the real ox. When they brought on the real ox, it absolutely refused to do anything. Astles explained that Fincher and the FX team quickly decided to scrap the ox in favor of a much more trainable creature, a dog. "
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* In the Cafeteria, Rains and Boggs complain about Golic;
[Only the pre-release has audio for the next line] :
Rains (to Boggs): I'm telling ya sombody's gotta do something about this....you or me.
[Dillon sits down next to them.]
Dillon : Okay. There's alot of talk going around that we've got some disharmony here? Any of you guys wanna tell me what the problem is? Come on, speak to me brothers.
Rains : Alright, I'll tell you. I don't mind the dark. I don't mind the bugs. I don't mind wandering around in some cold, wet, damp tunnel for a week at a time, I don't mind anything....but I mind Golic.
Dillon (to Boggs) : Is that the way you feel about it?
Boggs : Yeah. The guy's crazy and he smells bad.
[Rains snickers]
Boggs : I ain't going out with him anymore.
Dillon (to Golic) : Do you got anything to say about yourself?
[Golic thinks and lets out a smile]
Dillon : Well he's going with you. Golic is just another poor miserable son of a bitch like you and me.
Rains : Except he smells worse!
Boggs : And he's crazy.
Dillon : Knock off the SHIT! You got a job to do. I don't want to hear another word...about Golic. Okay? O.K?
[Then it cuts to the theatrical version of Ripley entering.]
(1 minute, 28 seconds)
[From the Special Edition]:
Dillon said golic is a "poor miserable suffering son of a bitch" instead of just a poor miserable son of a bitch. The special edition edit is also longer, at 2 minutes, 4 seconds.

[From the Special Edition]:
* [As Ripley finds a seat in the cafeteria]
Andrews: As I thought Mr. Arron, as I thought.
85: You called it, sir.
(7 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Right after Dillon says "...and until now, no temptation"]
Ripley: And what are you waiting for?
Dillon: We're waiting for god to return and raise his servents to redemption.
(24 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* When Clemens breifs Ripley on Fury 161's history, there is no shot of Ripley saying "I've been out here a long time." Instead, it just shows Ripley's face.

[From the Special Edition]:
* After Ripley says "I've been out here a long time:"
Clemens: So have I.
(5 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* When Murphy is in the tunnels, he sings along to the 'Rolling Stones' song "Painted Black," and not the theatrical version song; "In the Year 2525 (Exordium and Terminus)" by 'Zager and Evans.' The theatrical version song entered the UK charts on 9 August 1969, staying there for 13 weeks and reaching No.1 The full lyrics can be found Here.

[From the Pre-release]:
* The hiss of the Alien is much clearer, and I found it extremely more obvious that the Alien 'spit' acid into Murphy.

[From the Pre-release]:
* In the theatrical version, it sounds like Clemens says "I really appreciate your affections." The pre-release version it sounds more like "I'm really appreciative of your intentions."

[From the Special Edition]:
* Ripley: And now that i'm in your ...'cot'...you think I owe you an answer
Clemens: I think you owe me an answer. Being in my bed has nothing to do with it.
(15 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Right after "...against the rules isn't it?] Clemens: Definately. When was this?
Ripley: I think you know.
(13 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Right after "...deserves an explanation...] Clemens: Sorry. We are rather spoiling things aren't we?
(6 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* I believe there is a different voiceover for 85 when he tells Clemens that a prisoner has "been diced" over the intercom.

[From the Special Edition]:
* [After Ripley goes to get Bishop]
Prisoner: ...this looks...Golic don't fidget...whats all this shit? It's not properly wrapped.
Boggs: ???
Rains: ??? You got that down pretty good.
(11 seconds)
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Dillon: Golic, you light a candle for Murphy.
Golic: I'll light thousands.
Golic: He was special. Never comlained about me once. I loved him.
Kevin?: Is it true what they say? his head split...[?]...
Prisoner: Ok, whos got the matches?
(27 seconds)
[From the Pre-release]:
* Rains : Into the dark ??? and a machine ?? stone?? [I think he is humming song.] What are ?? you look for ?? another company ?? cigarette?
Golic : Deodorant.
Boggs : Deodorant? That's a good idea.
(20 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Andrews: Sit down Mr. clemens
Clemens: Thank you.
Andrews: Sugar?
Clemens: No thanks.
Andrews: Milk?
Clemens: Just a little, please.
Andrews: Thank you Mr. Aaron.
(29 seconds)
[Sequence goes to theatrical release, and after Andrews asks if their "Now sit the hell down..."];
[From the Special Edition]:
* Andrews: I don't like you. You're unpredictable. Insolent. Possibly dangerous. You question everything. If I didn't need a medical officer i wouldn't let you within light years from this operation.
Clemens: I'm eternally gratefull.
Andrews: Keep your sarcasms to yourself.
(19 seconds)
[Sequence goes to theatrical release, and after Andrews asks if their "is there anything I should know..."]
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Clemens: About what?
Andrews: About the woman!....don't play with me Mr. Clemens you spend every second you can with here and I have my suspicions that not all your concerns with her are medical.
Has she said anything to you? Anything about where she's from, what her mission is....What the hell she was doing in an EEV?
Clemens: She told me she was part of a combat unit that came to grief. Beyond that, I assume its all classified. I haven't pressed her for more.
Andrews: Thats all?
Clemens: Thats all.
Andrews: You sure?
Clemens: Yes.
Andrews: Nothing more?
Clemens: No.
Andrews: Get out of here.
(54 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Right after the attempted Ripley's rape scene...];
Golic: Cigarettes!
[Golic breaks open an old cigarette dispenser in one of the tunnels]
Boggs: So Let's do it.
(26 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* The pre-release version skips a shot of Golic running out of the area after taking a blood-bath after Boggs dies.

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Right after Bishop says "and gets sent back to network"];
Ripley: "And they want it."
(1 second)

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* A sequence of 5 cuts (mixed with the theatrical version of Ripley accessing Bishop) that have Golic (still blood soaked) in the Cafeteria eating. A Prisoner notices him, and says "Golic?" at which point Golic turns and the prisoner drops the plates after seeing Golic covered in blood. Then, 85, Dillon, Andrews, and Clemens get behind Golic and grab him as he tries to take off.
(41 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* Different voice of the 'Sulaco' flight recorder when accessed by Bishop. It is much more feminine and 'lighter.' In the pre-release version, it is also spliced with the edits of the prisoners finding Golic in the cafeteria.

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* 85: on intercom: lets all report to the mess hall. Supt. Andrews wants a meeting. Mess hall, right away people.
Ripley: Isn't there any way off of this place? some way to escape?
Clemens: No, supply ship comes every 6 months.
Ripley: And that's it?
(21 seconds)

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* [Right after Ripley learns of Clemens' past...];
Golic: I don't know why people blame others for everything. Nobody's perfect, only human. There's no such thing as a perfect human."
Golic: In an insane world, a sane man must seem insane."
Clemens: That's very profound, Golic. Thank you.
(about 15 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Ripley: How about leveling with me?
Clemens: Can you be more specific?
(about 4 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* Clemens' line of "Nobody else would employ me" (and other lines) are dubbed differently.

[From the Special Edition]:
* Several edits are inserted. A shot of Golic looking under the curtain at Ripley and Clemen's boots, the Alien entering the infirmary on a bed, and the Alien going up behind the curtain. Finally, an additional shot of the Alien opening its jaws.
(about 25 seconds)

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition (And theatrical)]:
* When the Alien "kisses" Ripley, the pre-release version clearly shows it moving a table-tray on its way. The theatrical release only has the sound of this, and the special edition eliminates this alltogether.

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* [After a clearer shot of the Alien hauling up Clemens into the Air Shaft, blood drips out:]
Golic: "Magnificent"
[From the Pre-release] :
Golic: "Magnificent" [He says it twice]
[From the Special Edition]:
* [While Ripley runs to the mess hall]
Dillon: Give us strength, oh lord, to endure. We recognize that we are poor sinners in the hand of an anygry god. Let the circle be unbroken until the day. Amen.
All: Amen.
Dillon: What the fuck is happenign here? What the fuck is this bullshit that's coming down. We have murder, we have rape we have brothers in trouble. I don't want any more bullshit around here. And we got problems, we stand together.
Andrews: Yes, thank you Mr. Dillon.
(about 43 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* There are no cuts of Ripley running towards the Cafeteria when Andrews is breifing the prisoners.

[From the Pre-release]:
* [Andrews adds another line in his breifing to the prisoners];
Andrews: "at 1400 hours, Prisoners Boggs, Rains and Golic left on a routine foraging mission in the underground network."

[From the Special Edition]:
* Longer shot of the prisoner mopping up the blood.
Dillon: We give you thanks, oh lord. the time has come near for us to be judged. The apocolapse is upon us. Let us be ready, let your mercy be just. Amen!
(about 23 seconds)
[Note: The Alien 3 Special Edition DVD does not indicate this as a 'special edition' inclusion.]

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* [Right after Morse challenges Ripley "....should smash her head into the fucking wall!"];
Ripley: Sounds good to me.
(about 4 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Junior: There is only one of these fucking batteries in 2000 that works!
Arthur: Hey, it could have been a lot worse. We might have got the paintbush detail.
(about 12 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Quick shot of the Frank[?] going in the vent shafts.

[From the Special Edition]:
* Prisoner #1: This shit smells aweful. I'm going to fucking puke.
Prisoner #2: ...[?]...
Prisoner #1: ...[?]...
Prisoner #2: Don't breath too hard.
(about 24 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Dillon: You okay?
Ripley: yeah, I'm fine.
Ripley: whatever you say, but you don't look okay to me sister.
Ripley: I'm fine.
(about 15 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Quick shot of Frank climbing the shaft with the ignition stick. It seems like this sequence is slightly longer than the theatrical cut.
(about 1 second)

[From the Special Edition]:
* As Frank gets attacked, there might be some different music for the next segment.
(about 1 minute, 5 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* Just before the fire goes off, the prisoner mumbles a tune before saying "buh" (No other way to describe that!). The theatrical version eliminates this humming.

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* [The next segment is a large uncut sequence]
There are different shots of the prisoners getting fried and thrown around by the fire.
(2 edits, about 4 seconds)
[Theatrical release intermixed]

* Shots of Ripley helping put out a prisoner that is on fire.

* Dillon orders Junior;
Dillon : Junior! Junior! Get to the sprinklers and turn them on!

* In a very cool shot, after all the prisoners have been moved;
Prisoner : "Junior! Look out behind you!"
click for larger picture

NOTE: This picture is actually a 'reverse' photo. Junior should be on the right (facing left) and the alien should be on the left.

* The Alien crawls down the wall, cutting off Junior.

Junior: "Come and get me Fucker!"

* This .avi file is a small (74K) shot of Ripley...this is where she is trying to lure the ALIEN into the waste disposal unit (before capturing it -- in the pre-release version.) Thanks to Ferro83 for making it. :)
* The Alien then goes after Junior, who runs into the waste disposal Unit. Ripley, Dillon, and the other remaining prisoners run after them so they can close the unit's door.

Junior screams as he is trapped in the containment unit with the Alien. Dillon then turns on the sprinklers, which are located beside the unit's door.
Then the movie rejoins the theatrical version of the sprinkler release.
[Very quickly after the sprinkler shot, the movie goes back to the Special edition & Pre-release]:
[From the Pre-release]:
*There is no scene of the metal pail cracking from the sprinkler water.
(about 1 second)

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* There is a new Euology by Dillon for the new wave of dead prisoners.

Dillon : Even for these who have fallen,
This is a time of rejoice.
We salute their courage,
They will live forever.
Those that are dead are not dead,
they have moved up,
they have moved to a higher place
[They then cut to the next part with 85 and Ripley]

* 85 (looking down at Dillon): Crazy bastards. Andrews used to call them Dillon's God Squad. Keeps them out of mischief.
Ripley: You're not the religious type, huh?
85: Me? Shit no, I got a job.
[pause] Look, I figure the rescue team gets here in 4, 5 days. 6 tops. They open the door, the guy that never smiles comes, they kill it, right?
[The Special edition has different dubbing: "Go in there with smart guns" instead of "the guy that never smiles comes."]
Ripley: What have you heard from them?
85: Nothing much. We got a message recieved, later we got something that said you're top priority. They don't cut us in on much. We are the ass-end of the totem pole out here.
Ripley: What if they don't want to kill it. What if they want to take it back...
85: Take it back? Your kidding. They're not lunatics, you know. They got to kill it. Right?
Ripley: Right.

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Golic, who is still locked up in the infirmary, pleads with Morse about letting him go];
Golic: Morse, pleeeease cut me loose.
Morse: No fucking way.
Golic: Come on, it hurts?
Morse: Oh, sorry. [Sarcastic]
Golic: Don't I ever done nothing? [?]
Morse: Oh, just don't talk to me.
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Golic (whimpering): Please..what did I do, just tell me what did I do?
Morse: I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna sit here and gaurd your ass like I'm supposed to. I don't need any fucking trouble with Dillon.
Golic: All I did was tell them about the dragon, what it did to Boggs and Rains. I didn't lye...you saw it!
Morse: Fuckin-A I saw it.
Golic (still pleading): If that thing comes in here, I can't even run, I'm dead meat!
Morse: It's not gonna get in here, we got it trapped.
Golic: So what's the big deal? Come on, please let me loose man. Don't I always give you cigarettes first? Arn't I your friend....(silently) I love you Morse.
Morse: Fuck it. Why not.
[unstraps Golic from the straightjacket]

Morse: But behave yourself. No fucking around or I'll get nothing but shit.
Golic: So where they got it?
Morse: In the waste tank. We got that sucker nailed. I mean tight!
Golic: I got to see it again.
[Golic sneaks up with a fire estinguisher behind Morse]
Morse: What the fuck you talking about?
[Golic WHACKS Morse with the estinguisher]
Golic: No more cigarettes for you.
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* 85 and Ripley are at the transmission computer;

(typing / screen):
[the Special Edition does not have the screenshot of the reporting of Andrews death.]
85: Alright we got the first part. Now what do we say?
Ripley: Tell them we trapped it.
85: Right. What do we call it?
Ripley: A Xenomorph.
85: Right. [85 pauses on the keyboard] How do you spell it?
[Ripley takes the keyboard and starts to type]
(typing / screen):
85: Wait, we can't kill it, we don't have any weapons, right?
Ripley: Right.
[The computer displays a "message received" confirmation]
85: See? That's all they ever tell us. Treat us like shit.
[The screen then starts to go active]

[The Special Edition has a different computer screen]:

* Golic then approaches the waste disposal unit where the Alien is kept, which is being gaurded by a (Jamaican? He had an accent!) prisoner Arthur;
Golic: Off and on me now?
Gaurd: What the hell you talking about?
Golic: I have to talk to the beast!
Gaurd: You can't go in there dickhead! The big mother-fucker will eat you alive.
[Golic backs off and faces the prisoner-gaurd]
Golic: ...Sorry...
[Golic then reaches out and slices the gaurds throat!]
Golic (almost apologetic): ...sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...
[Golic opens the door and 'leaps' back...]
Golic (to the ALIEN): Tell me what to do next.
[The Alien then tongue-stabs him in the head.]
[the Special Edition does not have the screenshot of the reporting of the tongue death.]

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Ripley talks with Dillon with 85 about having to kill the Alien];
Dillon: So you're telling me they're coming to take this thing away.
Ripley: Yeah, they're going to try.
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Ripley: But they don't want to kill it. We got to figure out a way to do it before they come here.
Dillon: Why do we have to kill it? You just said the company is coming for it.
Ripley: That's right. They want to take it back. some sort of weapon.
Dillon: Yeah. What's wrong with that?
Ripley: They can't control it, they don't understand, it will kill them all.
Dillon: Like I said, what's wrong with that?
Ripley: Well, nothing is wrong with that, except innocent people will die. I thought you were a religious man.
Dillon: You don't understand, do you sister? That place out there doesn't exist for us anymore. We got our own little world out here. It ain't much, but it's ours.
Ripley: So fuck everybody else.
Dillon: No, fuck them.
[Morse is then shown running toward the room where they are....]
Morse: DILLON! Hey!
Dillon: yeah?
Morse: Ummm...we a...got a teeny-weeny problem....

* The group go the waste disposal unit, and see that the Alien has been released, and that Golic and Arthur are dead. 85 is noticeably upset;
85: Fucking great! Miserable, crazy, son of a bitch let it loose! Got what he fucking deserved. Well now what are we gonna do?!
85: Andrews was right, we should have kept the shithead chained up.
[It then cuts to the theatrical release for a while, when 85 asks Ripley "You Okay?" and Morse starts his "Ahhh, Piss on her" line.]
(About 9 minutes, 30 seconds)

[Quick shot of 85 and then of Dillon]
Dillon: Get 'em..into the assembly hall.
(About 4 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* When Riply is in the EEV getting a bioscan, I beleive there are more shots of 85 looking at X-ray screens, and they appear to be different than the screenshots in the theatrical version.

[From the Special Edition]:
* Dillon: Alright the fucking thing is loose, its out there. the rescue team is on its way with guns and shit. Right now there isn't any place thats real safe. Look, We stay here in the assembly hall, this place never had any fucking air conditioning. If it comes in its gotta be through one of these doors. Now, We post a gaurd to let us know if its coming. In the meantime we lay low, be ready and stay right. In case your time comes.
David: Don't you start bullshitting dillon. We are gonna be trapped in here like rats.
Dillon: You got a weapon? You got a blade? Then you take it out and you fucking use it!
Eric: Ohhh right. So you think we're gonna stab this mtoherfucker to death!
Dillon: I do'nt think shit. Me, Maybe we hurt it before we take it out. Isn't that something? do any of you have any better ideas? Then I'll tell you. Until the rescue team comes here we're fucked! So you gotta get prepared.
Eric: We'll I aint staying here.
Dillon: well then suit yourself.
Morse: Furnace!
David: Yeah! Let's make it to the furnace.
Dillon: Holy shit. We'll all right.
Morse: Fucking A!
Eric: Too fucking right its right. [?]
[The group of prisoners then start moving toward the furnace.]
(About 2 minutes, 11 seconds)

< [From the Special Edition]:
* Ripley: It won't kill me. I'm carrying their queen. It won't kill its future.
85: You really want to bet this thing's that smart?
Ripley: Maybe I'll go find it, see how smart it is.
85: You gonna go look for it?
(About 21 seconds)
[From the Pre-release]:
* There is NO scene of Ripley in the 'basement' or her "you've been in my life so long, I don't know anything else," and her "Just do what you do" scenes. It just skips to Ripley telling Dillon "It won't kill me."

[From the Special Edition]:
* Ripley: I have one, inside of me. The big one won't kill its own.
Dillon: What are you talking about?
Ripley: I just saw it. An hour ago. I stood right next to it. I could have been lunch. It woudln't touch me. It ran away. It knows I'm carrying its future.
Dillon: Aww Bullshit.? How do you know the thing's inside of you?
(About 28 seconds)
[Cut to theatrical version "I saw it on the CAT-scan [...] in hypersleep I guess.]
[From the Special Edition]:
* Ripley: [?] And now I get to be the mother. I don't have much time.
(About 13 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Right after theatrical line of "...thousands more"];
Ripley: It can wipe out the whole universe.
(About 5 seconds)
[From the Special Edition]:
* [Right after theatrical line of "...otherwise Fuck you"];
Dillon: Go kill yourself.
(About 5 seconds)
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* [There is more talk with Ripley and 85 with the rest of the prisoners];
Dillon: This is the choice. [It then cuts to the theatrical release...] You die sitting here on your ass, or you die out there. At least we take a shot. We owe it one! [Back to the pre-release] Its fucked us up. Maybe we can get even for the others. Now how do you want it...
[back to the theatrical...]
Morse: What the fuck are you talking about?
Dillon: I'm talking about killing the big mother-fucker!
85: Hold it hold it. The rescue team is on its way. We could just sit this out!
Ripley: The rescue team for whom.
85: For us!
Ripley: They just want the beast. You know that.
85: I don't give a damn what they want! They're not gonna pick us off one by one, are they!?
Ripley: I woudn't be so sure.
85: Come on! They're gonna take us home.
Dillon: They're not gonna take us home.

[Cut to theatrical release for a good chunk]
[Ripley's next line is different in the Pre-release. In this version Ripley says"You think they're gonna let you interfere with thier weapons research?" In the theatrical version, she states "You think they're gonna let you interfere with their plans for this thing?" The voice-over dub of Ripley is also different, this is extremely obvious on her "they think we're...we're crud" dialogue.]

[Dillon's line is changed as well, from "....how you check out" in the theatrical release to
"You all gonna die, this is as good a place as any....to take your first step to heaven."
[The Special edition has a slightly different line from Dillon at the end]:
Dillon: You're all gonna die, the only question is when. This is as good a place as any, to take our first steps to heaven.
[The special addition keeps the "How you check out" line from Dillon from the theatrical version.]
(About 1 minute, 12 seconds combined)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Gregor: Do you beleive in this heaven shit?
William: I don't know.
[various prisoner talk and laughter, plans around the tunnels]
David: Fellas! Cut it!
Morse: I don't know about this shit...Hey guys...my door ain't working! I think we better rethink this thing!
Gregor: What the fuck he's saying?
(About 1 minute, 24 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* [David looks at a large blood spray on the wall];
David: I think i've found Vincent!
(About 9 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* Dillons tells Troy, in the piston area after the 'chase' has started.....;
Dillon: Troy! Troy! Help him! Help him!
Dillon: What the hell is going on, get back to the doors everybody!
[Then shot of David going into the piston area, (obviously lost)....]
David: How did I get here?!
[David runs back down another corridor]
Ripley: Dillon! Where is everyone? Where the hell are they doing? What about the plan!?
Dillon: Look you're immune. They're not.
Ripley: So what are we doing?
Dillon: Improvising!
Ripley: We're improvising!?
(About 25 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* Dillon finds Troy dead. (About 5 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* I think that Ripley's "Leave him" voiceover is different When Kevin dies in the piston chamber.
(About 3 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* Ripley find's Eric dead, before she grabs the torch from the hanging prisoner.
(about 5 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* When The company men enter the complex, they are greeted by 85, who has some added lines to say after 85 finishes his line "....with the beast!"
85: I tried to tell her....
Company man: Have you seen the beast?
85: Yes sir! Horrible! Unbelievable! She's got one insider her!
Bishop II (walking up): We know that.
[Then the theatrical version shot of the company dudes dropping the cage; now in the pre-release 85 looks at it and says...]
85: Your gonna need a bigger cage than that!
(About 10 seconds)

[From the Pre-release]:
* [From the PR] : When Alien is trapped in the door-thing, there is an added bit where Ripley pleads with it; "Kill me! Come and get me!" ...and it seems that the Alien is pushing her away. Then Dillon shows up, and she is almost fighting with him..[cut to the theatrical release]...until she see's that it is luring the Alien.

[From the Pre-release]:
* I think there is a different shot of Dillon saying "Fuck You" to the Alien when it is about to attack him in the mold.

[From the Pre-release]:
* Dillon really screams to Morse to "Pour the Lead" while he is being eaten. He yells it several times to Morse, up to where the lead is actually poured.

[From the Pre-release]:
* It takes longer for Ripley to climb up the piping to the Sprinklers; I think there are a few added shots.

[From the Pre-release]:
* There is no voiceover of Morse telling Ripley to "Hit the Sprinklers!"

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Now Bishop II appears...]
Bishop II: We know what you've been through! You've shown great courage.

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Bishop II (calmly): Let us deal with the malignancy. We've got a surgical bay set up on the rescue ship. Come with me.
Company Man: It is very quick, painless. A couple of incisions, you'll be out for 2 hours.
Bishop II: And then it is over.
(22 seconds)

[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* [Then it adds a bit more later on...]
Bishop II: Please, trust me.
Bishop II: Let me help you,
[From the Pre-release]:
(soothing) Mmm?
[There is then a very long pause on Ripley, mixed with 3 cuts of Morse, the company men / Bishop II, and 85. The pause really shows her struggling to come to grips with her decision. She then says "No."]
(40 seconds)
[The special edition does not have this long pause or sequence of edits.]

[From the Pre-release]:
* [Right after Morse gets shot, and asks Ripley to "Tell me what to do."];
Ripley: You'll know.

[From the Pre-release]:
* After Bishop II is whacked on the head with the pipe, He looks down on the blood on hands, and yells:
[Then the edit goes back to the theatrical release "Think of all we can learn from it!"]
(about 10 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* [Bishop yells to a guy with a camera]
Bishop: No Pictures!
(about 5 seconds)
[From the Special Edition]:
* [Focus on Ripley as she balances on the edge of the platform
Ripley: (on platform) You're crazy.
(about 10 seconds)
[From the Pre-release]:
* Bishop questions Ripley twice "What are you doing?"
(about 10 seconds)

[From the Special Edition]:
* An additional shot of Ripley on the platform edge.
(about 4 seconds)
[From the Pre-release and Special Edition]:
* Ripley falls Christ-like all they way down (a much shorter fall as well).
(about 14 seconds)
(The molten pit does not seem as large as it was in the theatrical version.)

ALIENS Unfilmed Cut-Scenes

Many scenes were not filmed that were in the script. However, some of these scripted parts are much more interesting than others, and have gained more 'notoriety.'

[From the Comic Book]:
* In the comic adaptation of the movie (by Dark Horse Comics), the first few pages deal with the most talked about cut from the movie...;
The EEV crash lands in water. The embryonic chestburster, after Newt drowns in her cyrotube, leaves through Newts mouth. It then crawls to Ripley (who is not in her Cryotube) and enters her mouth. The comic adaptation was taken from an earlier script of the movie. I don't believe this scene was ever filmed. The comic adaptation also has the Dog-burster alien scene, so presumably the embryonic chestburster was a very late cut.

[From the Alien 3 Audio Book]:
* [This is also in the Special Edition];

    Inside, he paused to catch his breath then continued on toward the bug wash.

    Three prisoners who'd been working outside were busy delousing, naked beneath the hot steady spray that mixed wather with disinfectent. As medical officer, Clemens carried a certain amount of authority. He used it now.
    "Listen up." The men turned to regarded him curiously. Their initial indifference vanished as soon as they spotted the body hanging from his shoulders.
    "An eev has come down." They exchaned glances. "Don't just stand there, he snapped, get out on the beach! There may be others. And notify Andrews."
    They hestitated and began to move, as they exited the wash and began grabbing at their clothes as they stared at the women Clemens carried. He didn't dare set her down.

[From the Alien 3 Audio Book]:
* [This part was likely added by novelist Alan Dean Foster.];
    Another dream. The twin-barreled flame thrower was heavy in her hands, as she cautiosly approached the cryonic cylinders. A quick check revealed all 3 occupants untuouched, undisturbed. A sound and she whirled flipping the switch on the weapons ribs even as her finger convulsed on her trigger. the device emitted a plastic click that was all. Frantcially she tried again. A short, reluctant burst of flame emerged a few inches from one of the barrels and died.
    Something nearby, close. She dreamt herself retreating backing up cautiously, seeking the protection of the solid wall as she fumbled with the flame thrower. It was near. She knew it too well to think otherwise.
    The alien's tail was between her legs. She spun, screaming right into its waiting arums. and tried to bring the flame thrower to bear. A hand clutched, horrribly elegant, incredibly powerful fingers crushing the weapon in the middle, collapsing the twin barrels. The other arm trapping her. She pummeled the shiny, glistening thorax with her fists. Useless the gester. Useless everything now. It spun her around and shoved her across the nearest cyronic pod. Her face was pressed tight against the cool inorganic glass. Beneath her, Hicks opened his eyes and smiled. She screamed.
[From the Alien 3 Audio Book]:
* [This part was expanded from the script by novelist Alan Dean Foster, the wording can be found in the Special Edition and Pre-release. The interesting part is the description of Dillon's hair.];
    The single dreadlock that hung from his otherwise naked pate swung slowly as he walked. It took allot of time and effort to keep it free from Fiorna's perseistent bugs, but he tolerated the limited discomfort in order to maintain the small statement of individuality.
    Dillon: Give us strengh oh lord, to endure. We recognize that we are poor sinners in the hands of an angry god. let the circle be unbroken, until the day, amen.
[From the Alien 3 Audio Book]:
*[This part was likely added by novelist Alan Dean Foster. It is where Ripley is attempting to convince Clemens that an autopsy on Newt];
    Ripley: I was part of the combat team that nuked Archeron. They were experimenting with all kinds of mutated bacteria and viral strains. The infection got loose and... spread. So they nuked the place...seems like pretty extreme perscription.
    Clemens: Of course We don't hear much out hear but it seems to me we would have heard about that...
    Ripley: Maybe you did hear. Your Superintendent may have learned all about it and just decided there was no reason to pass the information along.
[From the Storyboards]:
* There are also a few scenes that were storyboarded, but likely never filmed. Here are storyboards of one cut scenes...just click on one to go to the larger picture.

1.     2.  

3.     4.  

5.     6.  

7.     8.  

9.     10.  

11.    12.  

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