ALIEN 3 Pre-Release Differences List

Quick Jump : Intro | On Fury 161 | Alien Capture | Company/Alien Release | Company/Bait & Chase | Ending |

ALIEN 3 Pre-release Differences List

The following list is a summary of almost all the differences I noticed while viewing the Alien 3 pre-release version. It is not complete, only by many more viewings and comparisons can this list be totally finished.
This is, however, *the* most accurate and definitive list of the changes on the big 'ol Internet, and it took me *considerable* time to do. Please, give credit or ask permission if you borrow from this page! :)

There is none of Goldenthal's soundtrack dubbed on this version, and thier are noticable differences in sound quality. As well, there are different voiceover dubs and soundeffects. I have included the ones that I noticed the most.
I have attempted to reference all the differences in relation to the theatrical release of Alien 3. In places where I couldn't make out the words I put a ?? symbols. Some parts were very hard to make out what they were saying, so I also tryed to use the Alien 3 final draft script to work out the words. Go to the Script page to read it.

The Intro

* Instead of "A Brandywine Production" it is "A Phoenix Company / Gordon Carol Production" "The Phoenix Company" is a the name of Walter Hill and David Giler's company, Gordon Carroll is not part of it, hence the "/ Gordon" bit. All these three together compromise the Brandywine Production moniker.

* There is no Eggs on the Sulaco edit.

* There is no "Facehugger on Newt" X-ray shot.

* A clear (different voiceover?) dub for "Sulaco's Voice." It says;
Stasis interrupted, fire in cryogenic compartment, repeat, fire in cyrogenic compartment, all personel report to emergency escape vehicle launch of deep space lifeboat will commence in t minus 20 seconds.

* The edit of the 'bolt' exploding is combined with the 'fire' shot. I believe there is also an added shot of Ripley in the Cryotube.

On Fury 161

* No EEV (crash) landing on FURY 161.

* Voices are *much* clearer when the prisoners open the EEV.

* There is the shot of the Dog barking at the Facehugger, but unlike the theatrical version, there is no shot of the facehugger. Instead, it shows a 'cross' shape in the junk metal on Fiorina's landscape. (this cross was also pictured in one of the Alien 3 cards.)

* Murphy's voiceover of "what kind of animal would do this to a dog" is noticably different.

* Clemens says Fury 161 was a 1000 convict facility, rather than a 5000 convict facility.

* There is a small edit when Clemens and Ripley enter the mourgue;
Clemens : Is there any particular reason why your so insistent?
Ripley : Yes, I have to be sure that she died.
Clemens : Look, I hate to be repititious about such a sensitive subject, but it is perfectly clear that she drowned.
Clemens : Was she your daughter?
Ripley (calmly) : No she wasn't.
(28 seconds)

* Andrews does not mention that the "Furnace" can be used in the "cremation of the bodies" when he makes his way out of the mourge with 85.

* Superintendent Andrews Eulogy is one continuous shot, and is much clearer It also starts immediatly, overlaping the establishing shots of the furnace area.

* Dillon's Eulogy has no collage of characters, and there are no edits of the chestburster bursting from the dog.

* In the Cafeteria, Rains and Boggs complain about Golic, (nicely developing Golic's character);
Rains (to Boggs): I'm telling ya sombody's gotta do something about or me.
[Dillon sits down next to them.]
Dillon : Okay. There's alot of talk going around that we've got some disharmony here? You guys wanna tell me what the problem is? Come on, talk to me.
Rains : Alright, I'll tell ya. I don't mind the darkness. I don't mind the bugs. I don't mind wandering around in some wet, damp tunnel for a week at a time....but I mind Golic.
Dillon (to Boggs) : Is that the way you feel about it?
Boggs : Yeah. The guy is crazy and he smells bad.
[Rains snickers]
Boggs : I'm not going out with him anymore.
Dillon (to Golic) : Do you got anything to say about yourself?
[Golic thinks and lets out a smile]
Dillon : Well he's going out with you. Golic is just another poor miserable son of a bitch like you and me.
Rains : Except he smells worse!
Boggs : And he's crazy.
Dillon : Knock off THE SHIT! You got a job to do. I don't want to hear another word...about Golic. Okay? O.K?
[Then it cuts to the theatrical version of Ripley entering.]
(1 minute, 28 seconds)

* When Clemens breifs Ripley on Fury 161's history, there is no shot of Ripley saying "I've been out here a long time." Instead, it just shows Ripley's face.

* When Murhpy is in the tunnels, he sings along to the 'Rolling Stones' song "Painted Black," and not the theatrical version song; "In the Year 2525 (Exordium and Terminus)" by 'Zager and Evans.' The theatrical version song entered the UK charts on 9 August 1969, staying there for 13 weeks and reaching No.1 The full lyrics can be found Here.

* The hiss of the Alien is much clearer, and I found it extremely more obvious that the Alien 'spit' acid into Murphy.

* In the theatrical version, it sounds like Clemens says "I really appreciate your affection." The pre-release version it sounds like "I'm really appreciative of your intentions."

* I believe there is a different voiceover for 85 when he tells Clemens that a prisoner has "been diced" over the intercom.

* Dillon asks Golic to "Light a Candle for Murphy.";
Dillon : Golic, light a candle for Murphy.
Golic : I'll light a thousand.
Rains : Into the dark ??? and a machine ?? stone?? [I think he is humming song.] What are ?? you look for ?? another company ?? cigarette?
Golic : Deoderant.
Boggs : Deoderant? That's a good idea.
(27 seconds)

* Andrews asks Clemens...."Is there anything I shoud know?...;
Clemens : About what?
Andrews : About the woman!....don't play with me Mr. Clemens you spend every second you can with here and I have my suspicions that not all your concerns with her are medical.
Has she said anything to you? Anything about where she's from, what her mission is....What the hell she was doing in an EEV?
Clemens : She told me she was part of a combat unit that came to grief. Beyond that, I assume its classified. I haven't pressed her for more.
Andrews : Thats all?
Clemens : Thats all.
Andrews : You sure?
Clemens : Yes.
Andrews : Nothing more?
Clemens : No.
Andrews (pause) : Get out of here.
(48 seconds)

* The pre-release version skips a shot of Golic running out of the area after taking a blood-bath after Boggs dies.

* A sequence of 5 cuts (mixed with the theatrical version) that have Golic (still blood soaked) in the Cafeteria eating. A Prisoner notices him, and drops a bunch of plates. Then, 4 other prisoners get behind Golic (still eating) and grab him.

* Different voice of the 'Sulaco' flight recorder when accessed by Bishop. It is much more feminine and 'lighter.' In the pre-release version, it is also spliced with the 5 cuts of the prisoners finding Golic in the cafeteria.

* There is an announcement (when Clemens and Ripley are in the infirmary) and 85 says that "Superintendent Andrews wants a meeting in the Mess-hall." I'll get his exact words later on.

* When Ripley learns of Clemens past, Golic says "In an insane world, a sane man must seem insane." To which Clemens replys "That's very profound, Golic." Also, Golic's muttering is much more clear and audible in this version.
(about 10 seconds)

* Clemens line of "Nobody else would employ me" (and other lines) are dubbed differently.

* After a clearer shot of the Alien hauling up Clemens into the Air Shaft, there is a shot of Golic uttering the word "Magnificent" twice in regards to the Alien. Also, when the Alien 'kisses' ripley, the pre-release version clearly shows it moving a table-tray on its way. The theatrical release only has the sound of this.

* Andrews adds another line in his breifing to the prisoners;
Andrews : "at 1400 hours, Prionsers Boggs, Rains and Golic left on a routine foraging mission in the underground network."

* There are no cuts of Ripley running towards the Cafeteria when Andrews is breifing the prisoners.

* When Morse challenges Ripley by saying "....should smash (her head) into the fucking wall!" Ripley replies "Sounds good to me." This line is omited in the theatrical release.

Alien Capture

[What happen's next in the Pre-release is about 10 consecutive minutes of cut footage]

* just before the fire goes off, the prisoner mumbles a tune before saying "buh" (well, how else do I describe that?) The theatrical version elminates this humming.

* There are different shots of the prisoners getting fried and thrown around by the fire.


* Shots of Ripley helping put out a prisoner that is on fire.

* Dillon orders Junior;
Dillon : Junior! Junior! Get to the sprinklers and turn them on!

* In a very cool shot, after all the prisoners have been moved;
Prisoner : "Junior! Look out behind you!"

click for larger picture
Click for MUCH larger picture, located at geocities...
*NOTE* This picture is actually a 'reverse' photo. Junior should be on the RIGHT (facing left) and the alien should be on the LEFT (looking at Juniour). The 'door' (shown a few pics down) is behind juniour.....

The ALIEN cooly crawls down the wall, cutting off Junior.

Junior : "Come and get me Fucker!"

The Alien then goes after Junior, in the Waste Disposal Unit, and then Dillon runs towards Junior; to hit the switch to close the door.


There are very loud (and effective) screams as the prisoner becomes lunch. Dillon then turns on the sprinklers, which are located beside the door.
Then the movie rejoins the scene of the water / sprinkler soaked area.

[As well, the door beside Dillon when he turns on the Sprinklers (also in the theatrical version) is where the ALIEN is trapped, and the door that Ripley leans against is that famous door as well.]
(about 2 minutes, 30 seconds.)

* There was no scene of the metal pail cracking from the sprinkler water. (ohhhh.... foreshadowing!)

* There is a new Euology by Dillon for the new wave of dead prisoners.
Dillon : Even for these who have fallen,
This is a time of rejoice.
We salute their courage,
They will live forever.
those who are dead are not dead,
they have moved up,
they have moved to a higher...
[They then cut to the next part with 85 and Ripley]

* 85 (looking at Dillon et al) : Crazy bastards. Andrews used to call them Dillon's God Squad. Keeps them out of mischeif.
Ripley : You're not the religious type, huh?
85 : Me? Shit no, I got a job. [pause] Look, I figure the rescue team gets here in 4, 5 days. 6 tops. They open the doors, the guy that never smiles comes, they kill it, right?
Ripley : It might be hard for them.
85 : Not as (??) much. We had a message recieved, we actually had something that said you're top priority. They don't cut us in ?? as much ?? we are the ass-end of the totem pole out here.
[the point coming across here is that the Company doesn't seem to keen on replying to 85's messages.]
Ripley : What if they don't want to kill it. What if they want to take it back...
85 : Take it back? Your kidding. They're not lunatics, you know. They got to kill it. Right??
Ripley : Right.
(about 1 minute, 32 seconds)

The Company / Alien Release

* Golic, who is still locked up in the infirmary, pleads with Morse about letting him go....;
Golic (whimpering) : Please..what did I do, just tell me what did I do?
Morse : I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna sit here and gaurd your ass like I'm supposed to. I don't need any fucking trouble with Dillon.
Golic : All I did was tell them about the dragon, what it did to Boggs and Rains. That wasn't saw it!
Morse : Fuckin-A I saw it.
Golic (still pleading) : If that thing comes in here, I can't even run, I'm dead meat!
Morse : It's not gonna get in here, we got it trapped.
Golic : So what's the big deal? Come on, please let me loose...please? Don't I always give you cigarettes first? Arn't I your friend....(silently) Morse I love you...
Morse : Fuck it. Why not.
[unstraps Golic from the straightjacket]

Morse : But behave yourself. No fucking around or I'll get nothing but shit.
Golic : So where they got it?
Morse : In the waste tank. We got that sucker nailed. I mean tight!
Golic : I got to see it again.
[Golic sneaks up with a fire estinguisher behind Morse]
Morse : What the fuck you talking about?
[Golic WHACKS Morse with the estinguisher]
Golic : No more cigarettes for you.
(1 minute, 23 seconds)

* 85 and Ripley are at the transmission computer....;

(typing / screen) :
85 : Alright we got the first part. Now what do we say?
Ripley : Tell them we trapped it.
85 : Right. What do we call it?
Ripley : A Xenomorph.
85 : Right. [85 pauses on the keyboard] How do you spell it?
[Ripley takes the keyboard and starts to type......she is a good typer!]
(typing / screen) :
85 : Wait, we can't kill it, we don't have any weapons, right?
Ripley : Right.
[The computer displays a "message recieved" confirmation]
85 : See? That's all they ever tell us. Treat us like shit.
[The screen then starts to go hyper...]
(screen) :

[Ripley looks down.]
(1 minute, 14 seconds)

* Golic then approaches the waste disposal unit where the Alien is kept, which is being gaurded by a (jamaican? He had the accent!) prisoner....;
Golic : Off and on me now? [I think this is what he said.]
Gaurd : What the hell you talking about?
Golic : I have to talk to the beast!
Gaurd : You can't go in there dickhead! The big mother-fucker will eat you alive.
[Golic backs off and faces the prisoner-gaurd]
Golic : ...Sorry...
[Golic then reaches out and slices the gaurds throat!]
Golic (almost apologetic) : ...sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...
[Golic opens the door and 'leaps' back...]
Golic (to the ALIEN) : Tell me what to do next.
[The Alien then kindly (and deservingly) tongue-stabs him in the head.]
(33 seconds)

* Ripley talks with Dillon with 85 about having to kill the Alien....;
Ripley : They don't wan't to kill it. We got to figure out a way to do it before they come here.
Dillon : Why do we have to kill it? You just said the company is coming for it.
Ripley : That's right. They want to take it back. some sort of weapon.
Dillon : Yeah. What's wrong with that?
Ripley : They can't control it, they don't understand, it will kill them all.
Dillon : Like I said, what's wrong with that?
Ripley : Well, nothing is wrong with that, except innocent people will die. I thought you were a religious man.
Dillon : You don't understand, do you sister? That place out there doesn't exist for us anymore. we got our own little world here. It ain't much, but it's ours.
Ripley : So fuck everbody else.
Dillon : Yah, fuck them.
[Morse is then shown running toward the room where they are....]
Morse : DILLON! Hey!
Dillon : yeah?
Morse : Ummm...we a teeny-weeny problem....
(1 minute, 3 seconds)

* The group go the waste disposal unit, and see that the Alien has been released, and that Golic and the gaurd are dead. 85 is noticably upset....;
85 : Fucking great! Miserable, crazy, son of a bitch let it loose! Got what he fucking deserved. Well now what are we gonna do?!
85 : Andrews was right, we should have kept the shithead chained up.
[It then cuts to the theatrical release for a while, when 85 asks ripley "You Okay?" and Morse starts his "Ahhh, Piss on her" line.]
(35 seconds)

* When Riply is in the EEV getting a bioscan, I believe there are more shots of 85 looking at the blueish x-ray screens. I believe these are somewhat different x-rays than in the theatrical version.

* There is NO scene of Ripley in the 'basement' or her "you've been in my life so long, I don't know anything else," and her "Just do what you do" scenes. It just skips to Ripley telling Dillon that the Alien won't kill her. I suspect this was added later on, but I don't know why it is not in this version, unless FOX et al decided later on it was needed to add a link with Ripley and the ALIEN, and that the ALIEN wouldn't kill her.

* There is more talk with Ripley and 85 with the rest of the prisoners....;
Dillon : This is the choice. [It then cuts to the theatrical release...] You die sitting here on your ass, or you die out there. At least we take a shot. We owe it one! [Back to the pre-release] Its fucked us up. Maybe we can get even for the others. Now how do you want it...
[back to the theatrical...]
Morse : What the fuck are you talking about?
Dillon : I'm talking about killing the big mother-fucker!
[It then continues with cut dialogue....]
85 : The rescue team is on its way. We could just sit this out!
Ripley : The rescue team for whom.
85 : For us!
Ripley : They just want the beast. You know that.
85 : I don't give a damn what they want! They're not gonna pick us off one by one, are they!?
Ripley : I woudn't be so sure.
85 : Come on! They're gonna take us home.
Dillon : They're not gonna take us home.

[Ripley's next line is different in the pre-release, in the Pre-release she says "You think they're gonna let you interfere with thier weapons research?" In the theatrical, she states "You think they're gonna let you interfere with their plans for this thing?" The voice-over dub of Ripley is also different, this is extremely obvious on her "they think we're crud" dialogue.]

[Dillons line is changed as well, from " you check out" in the theatrical release to "You all gonna die, this is as good a place as take your first step to heaven."
(about 40 seconds combined)

The Company / Bait and Chase

* Dillons tells Troy, in the piston area after the 'chase' has started.....;
Dillon : Troy! Troy! Help him! Help him!
Dillon : What the hell is going on, get back to the doors everybody!
[Then shot of David going into the piston area, (obviously lost)....]
David : How did I get here?!
[David runs back down another corridor]
Ripley : Dillon! Where is everyone? What the hell are they doing? What about the plan!?
Dillon : Look you're immune. They're not.
Ripley : So what are we doing?
Dillon : Improvising!
(About 28 seconds)

* Dillon finds Troy dead.

* The prisoner holding the scissors falls backwards and cuts himself. He looks at the blood on his hands, and is then killed by the ALIEN.

* I think that Ripley's "Leave him" voiceover is different. (When Kevin dies in the piston chamber.)

* Ripley find's Eric dead, before she grabs the torch from the hanging prisoner.
(about 30 seconds combined)

* When The company men enter the complex, they are greeted by 85, who has some added lines to say...after 85 finishes his line "....with the beast!"
85 : I tried to tell her....
Company man : Have you seen the beast?
85 : Yes sir! Horrible! Unbelievable! She's got one insider her!
Bishop II (walking up) : We know that.
[Then the theatrical version shot of the company dudes dropping the cage; now in the pre-release 85 looks at it and says...]
85 : Your gonna need a bigger cage than that!
(About 10 seconds)

* When Alien is trapped in the door-thing, there is an added bit where Ripley pleads with it; "Kill me! Come & get me!" ...and it seems that the Alien is pushing her away. Then Dillon shows up, and she is almost fighting with him..[cut to the theatrical release]...until she see's that it is luring the Alien.....

* I think there is a different shot of Dillon saying "Fuck You" to the Alien when it is about to attack him in the mold.

* Dillon really screams to Morse to "Pour the Lead" while he is being eaten. He yells it several times to Morse, up to where the lead is actually poured.

The Ending

* The lead, after being poured, really BUBBLES (and that is very audible) and sounds more liquid than in the theatrical version, likely because of the lack of music in the pre-release.

* There is NO voiceover of Morse telling Ripley to "Hit the Sprinklers!" That line and then Morse's explanation of why the sprinklers were needed was likely added to 'dumb it up' for the FOX execs.

* It takes longer for Ripley to climb up the piping to the Sprinklers; I think there are a few added shots.

* Now Bishop II appears and says; "We know what you've been through! You've shown great courage."

* There is then a very important (IMHO) sequence that was almost cut entirely, it involves more of Bishop. It really hieghtens Bishops persuasion and Ripley's own decision...

Bishop II (calmly) : Let us deal with the malignancy. We've got a surgical bay set up on the rescue ship. Come with me.
Company Man : It is very quick, painless. A couple of incisions, you'll be out for 2 hours.
Bishop II : And then it is over.
(22 seconds)

[Then it adds a bit more later on...]
Bishop II : Please, trust me.
Bishop II : Let me help you, (soothing) Mmm?
[There is then a very long pause on Ripley, mixed with 3 cuts of Morse, the company men / Bishop II, and 85. The pause really shows her struggling to come to grips with her decision. She then says "No."]
(40 seconds)

* Morse asks Ripley "Tell me what to do." to which Ripley replies "You'll know." [this is after Morse gets shot.]

* After Bishop II is whacked on the head with the pipe, He looks down on the blood on hands, and yells to Ripley "I AM NOT A DROID!" Then he says' his line of "Think of all we can learn from it!"

* Bishop questions Ripley twice "What are you doing?"

* Ripley falls Christ-like all they way down (a much shorter fall as well).
(the molten pit does not seem as large as it was in the theatrical version.) The theatrical version of Ripley clutching at the Alien in her chest was added in post-production at a rather immense cost, rumoured to be a cool million bucks.

To me, these added scenes added one thing more than anything else.... and that was character. There was more of a story, character development, and more suspense. Also, the menace of the company is hieghtened immensly with these cut scenes. I can't understand why these were cut. Arg! This version is ONLY availible on Bootleg tape. If you want a shorter version, pick up the ALIEN 3 comic books, as they were based on a version of the script that contained these scenes.

I'd like to thank you for reading this far down, and a very special thanks to JR. And FOX, if you are reading, please make an official release for this completes ALIEN 3. Let Fincher give us the version he wanted! :)

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