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Quadrilogy (2003)

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This award winning set is the best compilation of the Alien series available on video. All the films, in multiple versions, are on 9 DVDs along with numerous features and extras. Each film can still be purchased individually.


ALIEN Quadrilogy - Released December 3, 2003

This set is the "must-have" for Alien series enthusiasts. It has been advertised as "The Ultimate All-New 9-Disc Alien Box Set" and "Loaded with Hours of Never-Before-Seen Extras." This set lives up to those statements. This is also the first time the Alien 3 Assembly Cut (Special Edition) has been officially released. As the pictures below show (click for larger) there have been different packages and cases for the set, depending on the region. For an excellent review of the Japanese 'Alien Head' box set, with pictures of all the contents, visit SkullFace.com


The primary DVD Contents:
    - Alien (theatrical), Alien (directors cut)
    - Aliens (theatrical), Aliens (special edition)
    - Alien 3 (theatrical), Alien 3 (Assembly Cut/special edition)
    - Alien Resurrection (theatrical), Alien Resurrection (Special edition)
    - 9th Bonus disc (Special Features) DVD
Alien contains a great stack of content. The ALIEN DVDs specifications:
- 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen Transfer
- English 5.1 DTS Track
- English Dolby Digital 5.1 Track
- Spanish Dolby Surround Track (US)
- Original 1979 Theatrical Version
- 2003 Director's Cut Version
- Introduction by Ridley Scott and Cast Members
- Audio Commentary by Ridley Scott and Technical Crew
- Star Beast (Story) Documentary
- The Visualists (Design)Documentary
- Truckers In Space (Casting) Documentary
- Fear Of The Unknown (Shepperton Studios Behind the Scenes) Documentary
- The Darkest Reaches (Developing the Nostromo and Alien Planet) Documentary
- The Eight Passenger (Creating the Alien) Documentary
- Future Tense (Music & Editing) Documentary
- Outward Bound (Visual Effects) Documentary
- A Nightmare Fulfilled (Reaction to Film) Documentary
- Chestburster Multi-Angle Sequence with Optional Director Commentary
- Sigourney Weaver Screen Test with Optional Director Commentary
- Seven Deleted Scenes
- Draft of Screenplay by Dan O’Bannon
- Ridleygrams: Original Thumbnails and Sketches
- Storyboard Archives
- Cast Portrait Gallery
- Production Gallery
- The Sets of Alien Feature
- H.R. Giger’s Workshop
- Continuity Polaroids and VFX Gallery
- Theatrical Posters and Stills from the Premiere

Aliens also has a large amount of extras. The ALIENS DVDs specifications:
- 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen Transfer
- English Dolby Digital 5.1 Track
- Spanish Dolby Surround Track (US)
- Original Theatrical Version
- James Cameron’s Special Edition Version
- Introduction by Director James Cameron
- Audio Commentary by James Cameron and Cast Members
- James Cameron Original Treatment Feature
- 57 Years Later (Continuing the Saga) Featurette
- Building Better Worlds (Concept to Construction) Featurette
- Preparing For Battle (Casting) Featurette
- This Time It’s War (Look at Pinewood Studios) Featurette
- The Risk Always Lives (Weapons & Action) Featurette
- Bug Hunt (Creature Design) Featurette
- Beauty And The Bitch (Power Loader vs. Queen Alien) Featurette
- Two Orphans (Revisiting Sigourney Weaver And Carrie Henn) Featurette
- Aliens Unleashed (Reaction to Film) Featurette
- Cast Portrait Gallery
- Production Gallery
- Continuity Polaroids
- Deleted Footage Marker and Deleted Scene Index
- Stan Winston’s Workshop
- VFX Gallery and Premiere Stills
- Multi-Angle Videomatics with Optional Commentary by Pat McClung
- Easter Egg

 Alien 3
Alien 3 is packed with goodies.
The ALIEN 3 DVDs specifications:
- 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen Transfer
- English Dolby Digital 5.1 Track
- Spanish Dolby Surround Track
- Original Theatrical Version
- Restored Pre-Release Version (30 Minutes of Unseen Footage)
- Audio Commentary by Cinematographer, Editor, VFX Designers and Actors
- Development (Concluding the Story) Featurette
- Tales Of The Wooden Planet (Vincent Ward's Vision) Featurette
- Pre-Production III (Making of Alien 3) Featurette
- Xeno-Erotic (Redesign of the Alien Creature) Featurette
- Production: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three (Behind the Production) Featurette
- Adaptive Organism (Creature Design) Featurette
- Optical Fury (Visual Effects) Featurette
- Music, Editing And Sound Featurette
- Post-Mortem (Reaction to Film) Featurette
- E.E.V. Bio-Scan Multi Angle Vignette with Optional Commentary by Alex Gillis
- Conceptual Art Portfolio
- Production Gallery
- Visual Effects Feature
- Furnace Construction Time Lapse
- Storyboard Archives

 Alien Resurrection
Alien Resurrection DVDs are packed with goodies.
The ALIEN Resurrection specifications:
- 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen Transfer
- English 5.1 DTS Track
- English Dolby Digital 5.1 Track
- Spanish Dolby Surround Track
- Original Theatrical Version
- Extended Cut with Alternate Opening and Ending Sequences
- Introduction by Director Jean Pierre Jeunet
- Audio Commentary with Jean Pierre Jeunet and Technical Crew
- First Draft of Screenplay by Joss Whedon
- From The Ashes (Reviving the Story) Featurette
- French Twist (Direction and Design) Featurette
- Under The Skin (Casting and Characters) Featurette
- Death From Below (Underwater Photography) Featurette
- In The Zone (Basketball Scene) Featurette
- Unnatural Mutation (Creature Design) Featurette
- Genetic Mutation (Creature Design) Featurette
- Genetic Composition (A Listen to the Music) Feature
- Virtual Alien (Computer Generated Imagery) Featurette
- A Matter Of Scale (Miniature Photography) Featurette
- Critical Junction (Reaction to Film) Featurette
- Multi-Angle Rehearsal Footage
- Mike Carro Photo Gallery
- Conceptual Art Gallery
- VFX Gallery & Continuity Polaroids
- Promotional Photo Archive
- Storyboard Archives
- Easter Egg

 The 9th 'Bonus' disc
The BONUS DVD specifications:
- Brand New Q&A with Ridley Scott
- Experience in Terror (1979) Promotional Featurette
- Alien Evolution (Channel 4 Alien Documentary)
- Complete Laser Disc Archive of Alien and Aliens
- Original Trailers and TV spots for all Four Films
- Aliens In The Basement (Inside the Bob Burns Alien Collection)
- Dark Horse Cover Gallery (Anthology of 11 Issues of the Alien Comics)
- DVD-ROM Feature: Script to Screen Comparisons

 Errors and Misprints
No errors found so far...

The Digital Bits : This DVD review site has a long and informative review on the release.

DVD Answers : A huge thank you goes to DVD answers for all their great DVD info.

Bob Burns : Burns's official site includes a quote on his involvement: "A few weeks ago I did an on camera interview for the new 9 DVD set of all of the ALIEN films. I've never seen so much new stuff that they found on all four of the films!"

Alien - Directors Cut : The Official site of ALIEN - The Directors Cut.

BBFC : The BBFC reviews upcoming releases and their extras. So for upcoming DVD releases, all the extras must be rated, and the lists of goodies are provided here!

 Easter Eggs
Information soon to come!
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