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To Alien experience isn't limited to just watching the films on TV. Just about every aspect of multimedia has been inflicted with Alien related goodies. Just see below and click around!
Millions of pictures exist. Screen shots, unique pictures, props, and more pictures await
in this section. Enjoy!
Click here to go to the Picture pages.
"Game over man, game over!" This is one of many sound clips that are part of the Alien movies.
Now you can add many sounds from the films to your own collection. Have fun listening!
Click here to go to the sound page.
Font's have an impressive impact, and aren't appreciated as much as they should be. Here is a collection
of the font's I've collected that are Alien related:
- Alien League : Close to the Aliens font.
- Alien : Close to the Alien font.
- Alien Vs. PredatorAlien League : The Alien Vs. Predator font.
There are plenty of different videos available. Here are just a few related to the Alien series. The big
videos will have a "rotated" availability...to save on bandwidth. Probably a monthly swap between anything
over 5 megabytes. Thanks for your patience! Most of the videos are not mainstream...any of the trailers
that can be found on the DVDs is not included here.
- 3.avi -- Download -- 4.8 megs
A trailer for ALIEN 3 that shows a few cut scenes.
- showest.avi -- Download -- 2.8 megs
The first screened promo for Alien Resurrection '97.
- March of the Aliens -- Download -- 8.4 megs
Combining Aliens and NIN!
Click Here for more info.
- Alien 3 Wish -- Download -- 25.4 megs
Alien 3 with NIN's Wish!
Click Here for more info.
- Perfect Drug Alien 4 -- Download -- 11.2 megs
Resurrection and The Perfect Drug!
Click Here for more info.

Time to decorate your computer screen with a little bit of Alien!
- Wallpapers -- Alien Experience -- (offsite link)
Alienexperience.com has a great wallpaper stash.
Until I create new art, go there! :)

Misc Multimedia
There have been a few TV advertisements, promotional videos, and other forms of multimedia
that have Alien related content. Here are just a few I've managed to save for this website:
- Windows Themes -- Themeworld -- (offsite link)
A handful of Alien related windows themes!
- Nostromo.zip -- Download -- 5373K
Nostromo MOTHER Theme (Thanks Kurtz!)
- Aliens: The Musical
-- By Ryan
Ahhh, the limitless possiblities of the Alien series!
In the following sounds clips, songbird Ryan
has created the beginning of "Aliens: The Musical." Now, the scenes of Aliens can be played over
the broadway stage. Listen and think of the creative effort behind them! :) (All .wav format)
Track 1: "Opening" 3.6 megs
Track 2: "How Long..." 4.2 megs
Track 3: "Company Orders" 1.9 megs
Track 4: "I Won't Go Back!" 1.7 megs
Track 5: "Promise Me" 1.8 megs
Track 6: "The Sulaco" 1.2 megs
Track 7: "Who Is She?" 1.0 megs
- frutloop.wav -- Download -- 330K
A Fruit Loops "Alien" TV ad
- barney2.wav-- Download -- 215K
A Marine vents his anger on a purple dino
- Alien Legacy Cases -- Sharpline Arts (offsite link)
Sharpline Arts made the "Making of Alien' DVD that
was included in the 1999 Legacy DVD release. This dvd was made only for early buyers that redeemed
a coupon. In a great show of fan support, they created a DVD front cover and back cover for the disc!
Front Cover 1.43 Megs (Zipped)
Back Cover 1.65 Megs (Zipped)
