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Alien 5 has not been officially announced by Fox as an upcoming feature film. After the lacklustre performance of Alien Resurrection at the box-office, energy into a sequel was put on hold. Furthermore, the success of the Alien vs. Predator franchise may put the future of the Alien film series, at least in the near future, in jeopardy. This section contains the following segments:
    Details : The expected line-up for the film.
    Facts & Quotes : Statements about Alien 5 from people in-the-know.
    Rumours : Nothing but rumours.
There is a bit of gap of info from mid 2003 - mid 2006. There wasn't much going on at the time, and i didn't have the time to update. Recent news will be posted when I receive it.

 ALIEN 5 Details

These details will be filled in once the information is known.
    Director: Unknown.

    Storyline: Unknown.

    Cast: Unknown.

    Budget: At least $50-$75 million dollars.

    Producers: The list of producers will probably include: Sigourney Weaver, Walter Hill, and David Giler. Usual producer Gordon Carroll passed away in 2005.

    Release Date: Earliest release is 2008.

    Location: Unknown.

    Characters: Unknown.

 ALIEN 5 Facts & Qoutes

October 1, 2003
DVDrama had a good interview with Ridley Scott, including some Alien 5 comments. The original interview was in French. From October 1, 2003:
    Ridley Scott on Alien 5: "Fox and Sigourney Weaver have contacted me, they want to conclude this series with the one who has begun it. [...] But there are not even serious talks. I don't really know what I could do unless I go back to the questions stated in the first episode. Where does the crashed ship on the planet with this mysterious extra-terrestrial come from ? We could wonder wether massive destruction weapons (which could threaten the Earth) had been used or not. I could be inspired by THE WAR OF THE WORLDS"
    [Originally posted on Dark Horizons]
April 22, 2003
The Chicago Sun Times from April 22: Sigourney Weaver talked with Cindy Pearlman during promotional junkets for the film "Holes":
    As for any rumors of another "Alien" film, she admits, "[Director] Ridley Scott and I have talked about it a couple of times. He has some ideas. If we developed a good script, I'd love to play Ripley again. I've always felt so grateful to Ridley Scott because he gave me my first job. In fact, the first few weeks of "Alien,' I was so green that Ridley would say, 'Don't look at the camera.' And I'd say, 'How can I not look at it. It's right in front of my face all the time!'"
    Ask her about plot ideas for a new "Aliens," Weaver says, "The only thing I'm not interested in is going to earth. I saw that 'Star Trek' movie where they went to Earth and ... yawn. I think it's more fun to go to a foreign planet--especially now. Who wants to come to Earth now? Let's go far, far away! Fantasy is what we need!"
    [For the full interview, including non-alien-ish bits, just click here.]
April 11, 2003
The Houston Chronicle. From April 11: [...] James Cameron delivered the textbook case for creating a minus Cameron as writer and director, Schwarzenegger stars in the upcoming Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. The movie was directed by Jonathan Mostow, assuming the role of upstart director taking over someone else's franchise, which Cameron did when he directed 1986's Aliens.
    Alien director Ridley Scott initially was not amused, Cameron said. The two subsequently have talked about doing an Alien film together, with Cameron writing and producing and Scott directing, Cameron said.
    [For the full interview, including non-alien-ish bits, just click here.]
April 9, 2003
The Edmonton Sun (in Alberta, Canada)From April 9:
    [...] He also has high hopes of eventually returning to the Alien franchise as long as he can get the go-ahead to make a truly scary (and likely R-rated) film. The 1979 original Alien, directed by Ridley Scott, "holds a special classic niche as one of the great terrifying experiences," Cameron said. "And the trick (to making a new Alien film) is you don't go crazy and make a $150-million movie because you don't want to have to compromise, you don't want to try to do a PG-13 Alien that is all things to everyone."
    An Alien flick, Cameron said, ought to put the psychology back into psychological horror.
    "It's got to still maintain its roots in this kind of cinematic id. Ridley did it really beautifully. He just kind of put you into this Freudian nightmare space."
    [For the FULL interview, including non-alien-ish bits, just click here.]
July 19, 2002
Avpnews.com posted a great summary of Sigourney Weaver's appearance on the Conan O'Brien show to promote her upcoming movie 'Tadpole.' She commented on Alien 5:
    Conan: "I know you must get this question a lot but do you think do you think you're ever going to do another alien movie? Is there talk of another alien movie?"
    Sigourney: "Now they're talking about Aliens versus Predator. So I think that... [pauses for applause] ...I don't know, uh, Ridley Scott and I have been talking about doing a fifth one. He has some pretty cool ideas. I've always thought it would be fun, since I'm getting so old.... [made some jokes] .... I don't see why not because I think about action heros it's like about grit... [interrupted by Conan O'Brien] ... I think it would be good. I'm up for it."
July 1, 2002
Thanks to Dark Horizons for posting an interview, where Sigourney Weaver confirms that she has talked to Ridley Scott about Alien 5.
    Question: Is Ripley ever going to rear her ugly head?
    Answer: "I have people coming up to me on the street talking to me about when is the next one, I’ve actually spoken to Ridley Scott a number of times. He would like to do five and I have to say that because it six months away from home, I have very mixed feelings about it. I don’t know. Maybe that will change."

    Question: So you’re not ruling it out?
    Answer: "You know if I can physically perform her task, or have a very good stuntwoman, I love what happened to Ripley. I love playing an alien."

    Question: What do you think about, sort of the last couple of years the most interesting development has been the rise of the female as the action hero. There are just tons of movies more and more now, Wonder Woman and all these things. Do you sort of take any pride in being a sort of a trailblazer in a scene that allows young females to kick butt?
    Answer: "I am all for it, especially for my daughter’s generation. I have to say I have been a little disappointed because I don’t think they give them a lot to work with and I feel very luck in Alien that I had, I feel like I had a lot to work with, with the character and I feel Laura Croft and stuff. I feel she’s terrific, but it’s not about anything. And I was very disappointed for her. You get a great actress like that, give her something to play, just never get hurt. So I was a little frustrated. You’ve got to dig in and you’ve got to be about something more than good versus evil."
February 15, 2002
Thanks to Ivan and Dark Horizons for posting this:
    Ridley Scott dropped the following quote at a press conference in Sydney this morning - "You know i thought it'd be nice. I'd do it. It really is entirely dependent on the take on the material. It's all about material. I been asked about Alien 5 and I said of course. We've started a script meeting. I mean, i've started it off so i may as well close the door - if in fact this is meant to be the last one."
January 22, 2002
The Chicago Sun Times Carried an interview with Ridley Scott, about his interest in Alien 5. (Quotes taken from ign.com.)
    "I'm seriously mulling it over. I think it would be a lot of fun, but the most important thing is to get the story right."
    "Would Sigourney Weaver and her aliens infest Earth this time?"
    "Earth would be interesting, and there is talk about it" said Scott, who sounds bored with that premise. "I say we should go back to where the alien creatures were first found and explain how they were created. No one has ever explained why. I always figured that a battleship carrying bio-mechanical organisms that could be weapons was sent into space with some space jockey who didn't last long."
January 19, 2002
Ridley Scott commented on Alien 5 when interviewed about the upcoming new 'Blade Runner' DVD. Interview by Cinescape.com, Thanks to Alien Domain:
    It looks like genre icon Ridley Scott (HANNIBAL, ALIEN) is returning to perhaps his greatest triumph, BLADE RUNNER, and re-editing it into a final director’s cut for the special edition DVD release later this year. When asked about recent quotes about he and ALIEN star Sigourney Weaver reuniting for a fifth ALIEN film, he again affirmed he’s interested. Oh yeah", he said. "I would do it."
    Written by Christopher Allan Smith.
January 16, 2002
Interview by Cinescape.com's Christopher Allen Smith, Thanks to Alien Domain:
    In news that will shock nearly everyone who hears it, Ridley Scott has revealed he’s contemplating returning to the ALIEN series, as director of the languishing ALIEN 5.
    "I will decide in the next five weeks," said Scott said while doing PR for Friday’s nationwide release of BLACK HAWK DOWN. "I'm looking at ALIEN 5, sure. Why not? Maybe," Scott added, according to the Black Hawk Down movie review at the Latino Review website.
    While fans of the series might be jumping for joy at the news (Scott directed the original ALIEN) it also came with word he’s thinking of directing a pirate movie. "There hasn't been a good pirate movie either, so I haven't decided yet," Scott said.
October 16, 2001
Sigourney Weaver is suggesting, again, that there is something possibly brewing for a fifth ALIEN film.
    According to the BBC, while appearing on a Channel 4 documentary called ALIEN EVOLUTION, the actress allegedly implied that she had been in talks with director Ridley Scott on the subject. Still, she cautioned, saying, "We'll have to see how the elements come together."
October 1, 2001
Dark Horizons carried a report about Sigourney Weaver's interest in getting ALIEN 5 made:
    "I'm meeting with Ridley Scott in two weeks."
    That was what she said at a lunch seminar this past Saturday in Williamstown, MA. She was in town as the guest of honor at the Third Annual Williamstown Film Festival. She said Fox had approached her about a fifth movie and she wasn't into it. But, since 'Resurrection' was the only movie left as a cliff hanger, she's been curious as to where they could go with it. Recently she called Scott and discussed the possibility of doing a fifth in which they go to the Aliens' home planet. They haven't even talked to Fox yet, so this is just an informal meeting they are holding, to throw around ideas"
Is this true? Well, most likely! Visit the Williamstown Film Festival website. Weaver's part in the festival was:
    At 12:30 p.m, Sigourney Weaver will be featured at a lunch seminar at Main Street Café entitled "The Part’s the Thing," in which she explains how she selects and develops her roles. Williams film professor Shawn Rosenheim will moderate. Back at Images at 2:30 p.m., Weaver will introduce a personal favorites among her thirty-plus films - the 1999 "A Map of the World," also starring Julianne Moore, Chloe Sevigny, and David Strathairn (honored by WFF last year).
August 29, 2001
Empire Magazine conducted an interview with Sigourney Weaver, and they put up a snippet at their website. The article states:
    Speaking in this month's Empire magazine, the actress was asked about two projects close to the fans' hearts - Alien 5 and Ghostbusters 3. For the former, Sigourney admits that she's been talking to 'people' about the project, " but I left my character not knowing even what species she was, so right now I'm a little unclear as to how things can progress." So that's the good news.
    [For the full article snip, just click here]
August 7, 2001
Sigourney Weaver spoke rather clearly about the possibility of Alien 5 and future film work: Seems she's eager to do a lot more filmwork:
    "If they want to write a good script for another Alien film and give me $20m, then fine. If it's more sex they want, great. Another brilliant drama? Yes, please...Even if I got pregnant again at this age, I'd want the baby. I'm up for anything."
    [From Dark Horizons.]
April 13, 2001
About a week ago Sigourney Weaver was on Conan O'Brien, and she commented on Alien 5.

March 21, 2001
Sigourney Weaver was on The tonight show with Jay Leno, and the poked fun at the Alien 5 rumours and the cash she was supposed to get for it.

March 21, 2001
Sigourney Weaver participated in a yahoo chat room and someone asked her about Alien 5. She said she was under the impression that there wasn't much interest among fans in an Alien 5, and she said that if people want to see one, they should email Fox Online.
[Thanks to Leah]

March 19, 2001
This is from an Interview conducted by Cindy Perlman, and you can read it by Clicking Here. I've cut and pasted. Full credit to them. This is an abbreviated interview.
    "Honestly, I think Ripley should crash-land the spaceship in Paris right next to the Eiffel Tower," Sigourney Weaver says of a possible fifth Alien film. "My idea is that everyone at this very expensive French restaurant hears a big boom. They look up and see this dripping alien creature get out of a spaceship and then they shrug and go back to eating their meals because, hey, the French are so unaffected by everything."

    Hey, it could happen. After all, the last Alien flick - Alien Resurrection - ended with Ripley headed toward Earth. But Weaver says battling aliens on terra firma really doesn't interest her one bit. "Don't you remember when the Star Trek people came to Earth? It was like, 'Ugh,'" the actress says. "How do you get past the basic plot where all the humans are going, 'Ohhh, ahhh, ehhh-aliens!"

    But a few quibbles about the plot doesn't mean Weaver refuses to play Ripley one more time. "I sort of left her in an interesting place and I want to see what happens next. There's a cool Jekyll and Hyde thing going on inside her, and I'm not sure who will win," she says, alluding to the fact that in Alien Resurrection her character was half-human, half-alien.

    Weaver adds that she won't "rush into anything until we have a great script." It's unclear whether 20th Century Fox has such a script in development at the moment. But if it does, Ripley could return. "I don't think another sequel is a bad thing," Weaver says. "Nowadays, I think there's a whole generation of moviegoers who think of these movies as episodes in a long adventure. And I don't think this adventure is completely finished."

    As for her price-tag for returning...well, maybe it's the producers who will feel something burning in their chests. "They could easily bribe and cajole me to do another for $50 million," Weaver jokes. At least, we think she's joking.
March 15, 2001
Sigourney spoke to TVguide about the Alien 5 rumours, and revealed a few more tidbits (Weavers comments are in Yellow, Joss Whedon's are in orange.)
    Sigourney Weaver was bouncing off the walls at news that she would pocket a record $25 million for going another round with those jaw-dropping slimebuckets in a fifth Alien flick. If only it were true! "The amount was thrilling," she tells TV Guide Online. "I'm supporting my husband's [Manhattan] theater, so he was thrilled that he was going to be able to sign up for another five-year lease."

    It's not just the amount of her paycheck that Weaver's disputing ("I would have to kill a few people to get that salary," she laughs). The Oscar-nominated actress insists tht there are no "immediate plans" to do Alien 5. "As far as I know, there is no truth to any of it," she says of British tabloid reports, which surfaced last month. "My agents both called me and said, 'This is in the paper,' and I said, 'You gotta be kidding me!'"

    That's not to say that Weaver - who plays a con artist opposite Jennifer Love Hewitt in the comedy Heartbreakers (opening March 23) - would rule out reprising her role as E.T. exterminator Ellen Ripley. "I think if we ever did another Alien, I would prefer that it be on a much smaller, sort of character-driven level," she admits. "If I were more enterprising and less lazy, maybe I would come up with something that would be good. I don't feel it is quite finished."

    Incidentally, Weaver confirms that an Alien 5 script featuring a plot that brings the series down to Earth does in fact exist. "I have never read it, and I have never asked to read it," she says. "I think [20th Century Fox's] plan is to make it Alien vs. Predator, and I would just as soon not be in that, although I am sure I could whip them both."

    Well, also contrary to reports, said script was not authored by Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon, who penned the last installment, 1997's Alien Resurrection. "There is not one shred of truth to it," he tells TV Guide Online. "I have no idea where [the rumor] came from. I'll tell you there was a time when I would have been interested in that, but I am not interested in making somebody else's franchise anymore. Any movie I make will be created by me."
    [Michael Ausiello with Angel Cohn]
February 21, 2001
While talking to Syndicated columnist Liz Smith...
    Sigourney Weaver said "I was interested to read that I was doing it [Alien 5] for a phenomenal amount of money. Unfortunately, it wasn't true. At least the sum. And I haven't really talked to Fox about making another. People come up to me on the street saying 'Hey, Alien 5! Great, when's it gonna happen?' And I go, 'Wait, wait, wait a minute!'"
February 8, 2001
Representatives for FOX have commented that the rumour of Weaver returning is bogus, and that a 5th film in the series is not currently in the works.

May 4, 2000
FOX recently registered the domain name "AlienV.com and it currently redirects visitors to the FOX movies website.
[Thanks to Xenomorph]

May 3, 2000
FOX recently registered the domain name "Alien5movie.com and it currently redirects visitors to the FOX movies website.
[Thanks to Foxfirej2]

April 28, 2000
Sigourney Weaver was on the BBC TV show Film 2000 promoting the sci-fi spoof "Galaxy Quest" when she was asked about the potential of reprising Ripley. Whereas she has seemed positive and eager in the past, today it seemed she apparently replied with a quick apology saying she didn't know, and indicated to the interviewer to quickly move onto another question.

December 20, 2000
Sigourney Weaver tells SCI FI Wire:
    "I've always wanted to do one [an Alien movie] where we go back to the planet from which the Alien originally came." This, despite the poor showing of the franchise's last installment, Alien Resurrection. "I don't know that there are any plans to do another one," adds Weaver. "It wouldn't surprise me if some time in the next 20 years or so, you see a white-haired Ripley hobbling around out there. But I haven't heard of anything." This seems to put to rest rumors last summer of a planned fifth installment already penned by the actress. Weaver says a fifth movie has "never been a serious discussion."
July 22, 1999
On Sky Moviemax the other week, one of the usual Hollywood news shows, they were doing a concise report on the Alien Saga. They briefly had a very blond Sigourney Weaver being interviewed and she claimed that there probably will be an Alien 5 and that although she doesn't know where it'll be set, but she expressed that she wants to be able to see the Alien's homeworld in the next film, cos according to her, she always thought it would be fun to see how these things live on their very own planet. With all the power she has in the series, one can only assume that she may get her wish.
[Thanks to Boldguy and Sky]

July 17, 1999
There is some info on ALIEN 5 on the ALIEN LEGACY DVD. The gist is that during Ridley Scott's commentary track on the movie, Scott voices that he is interested in directing another Alien film and would like to explore ideas brought up in the first film, as well as show the alien homeworld and their life cycle. This is mentioned as Kane looks at the Space Jockey for the 1st time.

November 15, 1998
In an interview on french T.V yesterday evening, Jean-Pierre Jeunet [Alien Resurrection director] said that all the rumors about Alien 5 were just rumors, and that there WILL NOT BE an Alien 5...
[Thanks to Dimitri A. from France]

September 9, 1998
From Cinescape:
    Rumors continue to fly that Sigourney Weaver has signed an $18M deal to star in as well as write the next Alien sequel. A quick call to PMK, Weaver’s publicist, resulted in a quick answer to the Alien question. A media rep says simply, "There are no plans for an Alien 5."
August 17, 1998
From Alienscollection.com:
    At the San Diego Comicon this weekend Alien Resurrection screenwriter Joss Whedon was asked, "Are you, or is anyone, working on a script for Alien 5?"
    Joss replied: "Uhh, that's a big nooo. Did you see Alien 4?"
    This drew huge laughs from the audience to which he hid his head in his hands and was jokingly consoled by 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' cast members.
December 5, 1997 A quote from Tim Rothman, Fox President of Film Production, from Entertainment Weekly #408.
    "Joss Whedon is writing the script, and Alien 5 will have Earth included in the setting."
February(?) 1997(?)
A quote from Joss Whedon, Alien Resurrection writer, from SFX magazine #36.
    "If I write this movie and it has my writing credits on it then it's going to be on Earth....And it's going to be VERY different from the last one."
The rest of Whedon's quote:
    "The studio talked about Alien Resurrection as a kind of place holder....they said, 'We want to do Earth or the big Alien planet, but we're not convinced yet that this franchise has legs. So we want to do a smaller story'. I don't think you can do that with Alien 5. I think the time of people running around in a tin can has passed. You have to work on a broader canvas otherwise it becomes an episode and not a new movie. The way Cameron exploded from the first to the second, you have to do that again, and that means going somewhere new."

    "One day I'm hoping to publish the endings of Alien 4 (jokingly)....I actually wrote five, including the one that was shot. They're each between 15 and 30 pages long, with totally different climaxes. Some of the characters didn't always survive, and there's a different way of killing the Newborn every time.....I can't tell you because I may use one in Alien 5! I did the flying thresher machine in the forrest; another one in a maternity ward in a hospital; one in the desert; and then one in a giant junkyard... until I finally wrote the used version."

    "I'm still feeling it out. I already have ideas, but I write most of the movie before I put pen to paper. With Alien Resurrection, I used the first two movies as models, but with this one I can promise you something new, something completely different from what's been seen before."
November 15, 1997
Access Hollywood had an Alien Resurrection segment. The gist of it was that the two female leads deny the know plans for Alien 5

 ALIEN 5 rumours

October 3, 2003
Dark Horizons posted that: "Expect a hybrid Alien/Predator (with tail) and marine jumpsuits with permanent gun attachments according to the latest gossip from the pre-production annals.

September 28, 2003
As posted on AlienExperience.com, James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver were photographed together in People magazine a caption (dated September 12, 2003) stating: AP photographers snapped this portrait of James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver outside Hollywood's elite Calabash Bar & Grill. Eyewitnesses claim the two were discussing a screenplay draft of Alien 5, rumored to be Cameron's next sci-fi epic. Huge thanks to AlienExperience.com.

July 27, 2003
Dark Horizons is reporting that the aliens will resemble the ridged foreheads of those in 'Aliens' and NOT the smooth headed appearance of the other chapters.

March 2001
UK horror mag 'Shivers' reports that Weaver has signed on for ALIEN 5 for 25 million bucks [Thanks to Dave from Belfast]:
"SIGOURNEY FOR ALIEN 5" -- "More than 20 years after the first Alien sci-fi epic shocked audiences around the world, lead actress Sigourney Weaver has agreed to a $25 million deal to play Ripley for a fifth time. The new episode will be set on earth for the first time and will be released in 2004, the 25th anniversary of the original. "I've always wanted to do one where we go back to the planet where the alien originally came from or even earth" , Weaver remarked about her decision to reprise her most famous role. The 51 year old actress will also be executive producer on Alien 5 to be written by Buffy The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon.

August 2, 2000
The Aliensfanclub reports that the UK magazine 'Science Fiction World' reports that several of the actors from Alien Resurrection have been asked to return.

August 29, 1999
(Thanks to Hudson) The new issue of the `Total Film' magazine clearly states that there is a script for Alien V, Sigourney is aboard and is working as Executive Producer, and is currently looking for a sutable director. Release Date March 2000.

April 13, 1999
(Thanks to Jay Z) This is from the April 1999 issue of the Official Playstation Magazine. (April 1999 Volume 2 Issue 7 Page 63). Here is what it said:
"As of this writing, it was recently announced that early plans are already being laid for the next 'Alien' film, which will apparently be co-written by Sigourney Weaver herself. With 'Alien Resurrection' (the game) expected to released around the time of the 20th anniversary of the original film's release, it looks like this series has plenty of acidic blood still pulsing through it."

March 15, 1999
In The WAVE's Entertainment section, this rumour was printed. It mentioned that Sigourney Weaver is to get $18 million and Ryder $11 million to reprise thier roles.

November 12, 1998
Vincenzo Natali is now rumoured to have been offered / asked about taking the directors chair for Alien 5, according to the Spanish press. He directed the acclaimed 'Cube' and also 'Elevated.' And similar to Ridley Scott & James Cameron, he is an artist, having done storyboard work on other films.

August 11, 1998
From Corona. They had a small tidbit on an ALIEN 5 rumour:
An entertainment report from a British tabloid has sparked the latest round of Internet rumors about Sigourney Weaver's return in a fifth Alien film. According to the gossip Weaver's signed a contract for the fifth film that'll net her a cool $18 million dollars. The thing is, it just ain't true. Nothing is happening on the Alien 5 front -- nada, zip, zero. And believe us, the amount of posturing and time it took before Weaver committed to the fourth film (let alone the third picture's trials and tribulations development period) means it's extremely unlikely any contract talks have been going on. Right now the Alien 5 possibilities are as cold as Kane's long-dead corpse adrift somewhere in deep space.

August 5, 1998
From Cinescape.
"Sigourney Weaver reportedly will receive $18 million, not $20 million as previously reported, for her star turn in Alien 5 according to BBC1."

June 18, 1998
First rumour of Weaver signing to do ALIEN 5 for 13 million pounds.

June 6, 1998
Ain't It cool News posted that preliminary budgeting for the movie has begun.

June 10, 1998
Joss Whedon dumped? Reports are in such that Joss Whedon's initial script was been rejected by Fox. From Dark Horizons

December 16, 1997
Dark Horizons (and others) are reporting that Alien 5 was being written before Alien Resurrection had even hit the theatres. (presumably being written by Joss Whedon.)
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